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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

How to Budget for Staff Morale Activities

Around here we talk a lot about the importance of carving out time for staff morale activities in a school environment. The value of implementing staff morale events is unmatched for keeping motivation high and creating a sense of community. But have you ever wondered how to acquire the funds for these events and activities? If so, you're in luck! Today I'm sharing some of my tried and true tips to help you budget for staff morale activities in your school. 

Staff morale matters so it is so important to budget for different staff morale activities throughout the year.

Why Staff Morale Matters

This image shows a group of staff members enjoying time together.
First things first, why are we budgeting for this? Staff morale activities, events, and celebrations are essential to create a warm, welcoming environment that makes everyone feel like a team. Taking the time to plan and organize staff events will not only keep everyone motivated but help create a sense of camaraderie in your school. I think we all know that teaching is harder than ever so it's important to make sure your staff feel supported and like "part of the family" when they're at work. And don't forget, staff goes well beyond just the teachers too! We can't forget about our beloved librarians, counselors, secretaries, cafeteria workers, and custodial staff too! 

When deciding if this is important to prioritize in your school, I encourage you to consider the alternative. If you don't plan any staff morale-boosting events or activities, consider how the climate might shift in your building. I would bet that you'd end up with a group of unmotivated staff members who feel undervalued and disconnected. This is not what we're going for! So, instead, commit to building in some staff morale activities and events in your school to keep spirits high and help your staff stay connected and motivated. I promise, with a plan in place, it's affordable, doable, and fun! 

Getting Started with a Sunshine Committee 

My number one tip for planning and budgeting for staff morale activities and events is to get a Sunshine Committee in place. I actually have a whole blog post about what this is and why you need it, but I'll share a quick rundown here as well. 

A Sunshine Committee is a group of people who are in charge of spreading a little sunshine to teachers and other school staff members. They plan events, parties, and seasonal activities with the idea of bringing staff together and building camaraderie. Aside from this though, they also work towards finding the pain points of school employees and help come up with creative ways for everyone to feel more supported and happy at work. For years, I was the leader of the Sunshine Committee and it was one of my favorite things I ever undertook!

If you're hoping to add some more fun staff morale activities and events to your school, I highly recommend reading that whole post after this one. Trust me, it will be a key part of how you will budget for staff morale activities! 

Sunshine Committee Funding 

Speaking of budget, the Sunshine Committee also typically helps manage funds for staff morale activities. In my school, every staff member contributed $25 per year to Sunshine Funds. This money was pooled into our budget for a variety of things to support staff such as:
This image shows a group of people at a baby shower.

  • bridal showers
  • first baby showers
  • staff illness
  • retirements and other common life events

We had a set schedule that was used to determine how much money could be used for each event. The money could be used for different things depending on the scenario. It might be used for party decorations and cake, or to purchase meals for a family in need. Having a set schedule with how much you plan to allocate is very helpful from a planning standpoint. It takes the guesswork out of it and allows you to plan fairly for each staff member. 

In my school, any extra money was set aside to be used for extra staff boosters. These might be holiday parties, special games, or activities to keep everyone motivated and happy to be at work. Every school will vary with how much "mad money" you end up with, so I also like to have some additional fundraising opportunities planned to help bulk up our staff morale budget. 

More Fundraising Ideas

There are many other ways to raise funds for your staff morale activities that are easy to implement. Here are a few of my favorites from over the years. 

Principal's Discretionary Funds

Budget for staff morale activities by getting the principal involved! Ask about discretionary funds and if they can be used for sunshine committee.
As the leader of the Sunshine Committee, I always maintained a very close relationship with our principal. We worked hand-in-hand to run many of the staff meetings and plan staff morale activities. I was always so grateful to have a good relationship with my principal because this helped her understand the need for staff morale boosters throughout the year. She wanted to help make sure our work environment was enjoyable and supportive. 

Because of this, she always contributed some of her discretionary funds to the Sunshine Committee each year. The amount will vary from school to school depending on the policies in place. But, no matter the amount, every little bit helps! Keep in mind that in order to make this work best, it's always good to keep clear records of spending and plans for your principal to see. They're entrusted with these funds to use them in a way that best supports the school, so if you can show them where the money goes and how it helps create a healthier school climate, you'll likely have much better results! 

PTO Fundraisers 

PTO fundraisers like bake sales can be used to help you budget for staff moral activities.
The PTO is another great place to look for some funding for your staff morale activities. Often, this organization already understands the importance of a healthy school environment for both staff and children. They know that happy staff members mean a happier school! They are often more than willing to help fundraise throughout the year and send a portion of their funds to the Sunshine Committee. 

As the leader of the Sunshine Committee, I always checked in with the head of the PTO at the beginning of the year to discuss this. It's up to them how they decide to fundraise and how much to contribute, but making these connections and building relationships is key to making the process go more smoothly, so be sure to reach out and connect!

Another thing to consider is that many of the members are also willing to donate their time, which is just as valuable. Having volunteers available to help with staff luncheons, parties, and events is so nice! Sometimes they will even do the shopping runs, or help prepare food items. I've also utilized volunteers to make copies, grade papers, and assist teachers as a "prize" for staff events. These things add up and are so appreciated in a busy school environment. 

Parent Donations 

Speaking of prizes, parent donations are a great place to look for these items. I drafted up a few letters throughout the year requesting donations from parents for staff treats and drinks for the breakroom. More often than not, you'll end up with more goodies than you can use right away! This is a wonderful way to keep the fridge stocked in your school and show teachers and staff they are appreciated. Not to mention, parents are often very happy to contribute. 

Another option is to make Amazon wish lists for prizes that you intend to use for Scratch-Offs or games in your staff morale activities. These could be things like pens, notebooks, gift cards, hand soap or lotions, lanyards, and more. Many parents are super busy but want to contribute in some way. In this instance, they like being able to simply order online and contribute to their child's school despite their busy schedule. 

Local Businesses

Gift cards from local businesses can be used as prizes for staff moral activities.
Local businesses, restaurants, and stores are another great place to check for donations to help add to your budget for staff morale activities. At the beginning of the year, I drafted a letter asking businesses if they would like to donate gift cards or products to our school for teacher and staff morale. Sometimes restaurants will offer catering discounts as well, which is great for special events and parties. You can offer to advertise their services in the yearbook in return or place them on a "wall of fame" in your school lobby. 

In my experience, local businesses are often happy to contribute and these donations go a long way.  Even just a couple of gift cards from a handful of businesses make great gifts for lucky staff members throughout the year. Not to mention, it helps strengthen the bond in the community between local business owners and your school! 

Staff Fundraisers 

Last on this list, consider ways you can have staff pitch in to raise money as well! These don't need to be extravagant, just a few dollars here and there helps. One of the ways I did this in my school was with jeans/dress-down passes available for purchase. 

Once a quarter or so, I'd have them for sale in the staff lounge. Staff could purchase them and use them whenever they like. The funds went directly into the budget for staff morale activities. In my school, staff loved having this opportunity and were also happy to contribute to something that would benefit everyone. Consider using a staff fundraiser like this in your school to build up that budget! 

Plan Your Staff Morale Activities for the Whole Year 

Use this free staff morale catalog to help you budget for staff morale activities.
Another very important part of maintaining a budget for your staff morale activities is planning. Just like a meal plan can save you money at home, a staff morale activities plan will save you money at school! I like to map out all of my plans for the whole year at once to get a high-level overview of the funds we would need. Don't worry, these plans don't have to be exact. Just jotting down some details about holiday parties, staff morale games, and things you know will happen is helpful. 

If you're not sure where to start, or simply need some inspiration, you're in luck! I have a FREE Staff Morale Catalog for you that will make planning your entire year a breeze. Inside you'll find inspiration for every holiday and season you can think of to help simplify your planning. 

Download the catalog and then sit down with a blank calendar to help plot out when you plan to have some staff morale activities on the schedule. Then, estimate the costs for each project and make note of that too. This will come in so handy as you build your budget for staff morale activities! 

Last my friend, have fun with this process! Spreading sunshine and boosting staff morale is a fun gig! Get creative with your fundraising, be selective with your budget, and you'll be well on your way to creating some amazing staff morale activities that everyone will love! 

Save This Post 

I hope this post was helpful for you as you begin to sit down and plan your budget for your staff morale activities. Be sure to pin it on Pinterest so you can keep track of these ideas! 

Want to start a sunshine committee at your school but wondering how to budget for staff morale activities? This post is full of ideas for raising funds so you can include those morale boosting activities throughout the year for your teachers and staff!

Monday, September 30, 2024

5 Festive Holiday Staff Morale Activities for December

I love December. I know it can be a crazy busy time, but there's no denying the festive flair floating through the air as the holidays inch closer. With so much to celebrate, and limited time, it's important to keep staff morale top of mind this month. Check out these fun holiday staff morale activities to connect with staff and celebrate together!

These 5 festive holiday staff morale activities are perfect for December.

Making Room for Staff Morale Activities in December

We all know that this time of year is busier than ever, but this doesn't mean that staff morale activities and games should fall by the wayside. Actually, anytime we have a busier than usual schedule, is usually when we need a boost the most. That's why it's so important to prioritize some holiday staff activities to keep everyone cheery and happy to be at work!

And don't worry friends... these holiday staff morale activities won't have you working all hours like a Christmas elf! These easy-to-prep ideas come together quickly so that you can spread a little holiday cheer to your staff members without burning the candle at both ends! 

1. Staff Secret Santa 

Let's kick this list off with a holiday classic - Secret Santa! I love Secret Santa because it allows for a bit of mystery and fun during the holidays. The version that I used in my school has a bit of a twist that makes this even easier and less pressure to facilitate as well. It works by placing a poster with a picture of Santa on a co-worker's door or at their desk with some kind of seasonal treat. Then, they get to play Santa and choose a co-worker to gift next. I would often start this off by choosing two co-workers and then letting the snowball continue. 
Host a staff secret Santa in order to boost moral this holiday season.

I always recommend starting this one early so that there will be time for the posters to travel through your school to everyone. I also usually send out a little note with gift ideas so that staff know they need not be large or extravagant. I suggest items such as:
  • holiday candy 
  • peppermint latte 
  • holiday stickers
  • microwave popcorn 
  • classroom decorations
  • red and green class art supplies
  • favorite seasonal read-aloud and more
I love seeing how creative the staff get with this one and it's fun seeing all of the Santa posters displayed all over the school as people are gifted. This is a great holiday staff morale activity to kick off the fun in your school!

2. Hot Cocoa Bar 

Staff snack bars are among my favorite ways to celebrate when it gets busy because they allow staff to visit the break room and grab a treat when it fits their schedules. In December, I always host a Hot Cocoa Bar to add some holiday magic to our day! This is a lot of fun to put together and totally customizable for your group. 

Hot cocoa bars make excellent holiday staff morale activities. Simplify the process of setting one up using the resources in this image.
First, you'll gather your supplies. You can choose to host this activity potluck style or use funds from your Sunshine Committee to fund it. I liked to make a few large pots of homemade hot cocoa and then keep them warm in slow cookers. You can also use coffee urns with hot water and cocoa packets as well if you prefer. I also made sure to grab plenty of toppings and add-ins, because that's what makes this so much fun! Some things to consider include:
  • whipped cream 
  • peppermint sticks
  • sprinkles
  • candy
  • sweet treats to eat with cocoa 
I also liked to grab some holiday decorations and plastic tablecloths from the dollar store to add a bit more fun to the mix. Then, on the day of, I set everything up and hang some signs to let staff know they can come to grab a cup of cocoa in the break room. Bonus points if you can get some holiday music playing in there too! Everyone loves this and it tends to create a sense of warmth and camaraderie among the staff. They'll often sit and visit as they sip their cocoa and talk about their holiday break plans. It's a wonderful moment to connect, chat, and take a breather together during the busy holiday season! 

If you want to simplify this process, be sure to check out my Hot Cocoa Bar Resource. Inside you'll find instructions, a shopping list, a recipe for hot cocoa, room decor and signs, as well as labels for cocoa and add-ins. This resource has everything in one place and will make it super quick and easy to set up a cocoa bar of your own!

3. Holiday Postcards

Make staff members feel appreciated using holiday postcards like the ones in this image. They are another excellent holiday staff morale activity!
If you need an inexpensive way to thank and recognize each of your staff members this holiday season without breaking the bank, I think you'll love these Holiday Postcards! These were designed to allow you to send a customized message to each member of your staff. There are a variety of card designs included for different holidays and seasonal sentiments. 

There are even some designs included that can be sent to loved ones of staff to tell them how much you enjoy working with their family member. This is an extra special touch that goes a long way and really makes staff feel valued. No matter which option you choose, I know your staff will love receiving these!

To use, you will simply choose your design and copy both a front and back side to each card. Then, cut, and fill them out and you're good to go! They're ready to be addressed and mailed out. You can also pop these into staff mailboxes, but I think receiving them at home makes it even more special. 

4. White Elephant Book Exchange 
Try hosting a white elephant book exchange as part of your holiday staff moral activities using the resource in this image.

I am always looking for ways to make holiday fun more affordable for staff members. I never wanted anyone to feel stretched too thin or stressed out about participating in an event. That's one of the reasons I absolutely love this White Elephant Book Exchange! It's the perfect staff morale game for your holiday party or meeting and is super simple to facilitate!

To set this up, you'll send out a letter to staff that lets them know you'll be hosting a book exchange. Their task is to bring a book to swap. It doesn't have to be new, gently used is absolutely fine, making this a budget-friendly option. They will wrap the book in holiday paper and bring it to the exchange. 

Then, you'll set up all the books in a display and have each staff member draw a number. Then, going in numerical order, each person will choose a book. After they choose, they open it and can either keep it or steal/swap it for another book. This continues until everyone has gone and had an opportunity to "steal". If you've never played White Elephant before, this really gets to be a lot of fun once a few people have stolen books! When you're finished, everyone will have a "new to them" book to read over the holiday break!

5. Holiday Simmer Pot 
Share a holiday simmer pot with staff members as part of your holiday staff moral activities. Add on these simple name tags and direction cards and you have an inexpensive holiday gift!

Last on my list is another fun, inexpensive gift idea for your staff members. This Holiday Simmer Pot is the perfect gift to hand out before the holiday break. Staff will love setting this up and using it over the holidays while they relax at home. Each bag of goodies contains the following:
  • orange (or mandarin)
  • cinnamon sticks 
  • cloves
  • fresh cranberries
  • rosemary sprigs
You'll bag all of these items up in a small cellophane bag and tie it with a holiday ribbon. Then, you'll attach a tag with instructions to each bag. To use, staff will empty the contents of the bag into a pot or slow cooker, cover them with water, and simmer on low for a wonderful holiday fragrance that will fill their home. This is such a wonderful gift to hand out as it's low-cost, thoughtful, and adds so much festive holiday flair to the air!

Make Planning Holiday Staff Morale Activities Simple

So, which one of these holiday staff morale activities was your favorite? It's always hard for me to choose, which is why I tend to incorporate them all. Since they are all inexpensive, low-prep, and easy to facilitate, it's a no-brainer in my book! I love that with just a few simple activities, staff will feel valued and connected to each other during this crazy busy time of year. If you'd like to simplify your staff activities in December too, be sure to check out the December Staff Morale Bundle. 

Check out the December Staff Morale Bundle to grab all of these fun holiday staff morale activities!

Inside you get all 5 of these activities so that you can get started right away with prepping! Each of the resources includes detailed instructions and just about everything you need to sprinkle some holiday magic among your staff! I know you'll love not having to worry about planning engaging staff morale activities during this already busy time of year. Have fun celebrating with your staff! 

Looking for More? 

Be sure to check out these posts for more ways to celebrate with staff! 

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Make sure to pin this post on Pinterest so that you can come back to it when you're ready to plan your holiday staff morale activities. 

The holidays can be a stressful time for teachers! Try boosting morale with some of these holiday staff morale activities for December! Staff members are sure to love activities like hot cocoa bars and a book exchange!

Monday, September 16, 2024

What is a Sunshine Committee?

If you've been around here a while, you might have noticed that I have a passion for helping administrators, teachers, and volunteers keep school staff morale high. This is because I was the leader of the Sunshine Committee in my own school for many years and saw firsthand just how valuable this practice is. But what exactly is a "Sunshine Committee"? If you've been wondering, I've got answers! Today we're talking about the what and how of Sunshine Committees. And. . . how it can help boost staff morale and motivation in your school! 

Wondering what a sunshine committee is and why your school should have one? They are great for boosting morale and making staff feel appreciated!

What is a Sunshine Committee Anyway?

A sunshine committee is a group of staff members that lead the way in creating a positive school culture.
First things first... what exactly are we talking about here? A Sunshine Committee is a group of people who are charged with the task of spreading a little sunshine to teachers and other school staff members regularly. Their goal is to tune into the pain points of school employees and come up with creative ways to make work more enjoyable, supportive, and fun for everyone. As the leader of this group for many years at my own school, I have to say... it's a pretty good gig! 

I was also a teacher, so I knew firsthand what my teaching colleagues were facing. But beyond this, it allowed me the unique opportunity to learn what other school staff members struggle with and how to help them as well. Remember, a school is made up of much more than teachers. We have support staff, nurses, secretaries, administrators, custodians, specials teachers, counselors, cafeteria workers, and more! All of these people play an integral role in the health and culture of the school environment, so it's key that we do our best to consider each and every one of them! 

Why You Need a Sunshine Committee

This image shows a group of teachers meeting in the break room.
So why do we need this group in our schools? Well, simply put... to help staff stay motivated, feel valued, and foster a sense of community. We all know that teaching and working in schools is harder than ever. School workers are faced with new challenges every day and carry a very heavy load. If we didn't focus on building community or boosting morale among staff, what do you think would happen? 

I think we all know that it's likely that we would end up with a group of unmotivated people who feel undervalued. No one wants this in their school climate! Instead, the Sunshine Committee is strategic in ensuring that events and parties are planned to help make work more fun. Team building activities, contests during staff parties, or monthly potlucks can truly go a long way when it comes to boosting morale!

Getting Started

So, you're ready to take on the task of recruiting and organizing a Sunshine Committee in your school - YAY! Let's dive into how you can get started. 

Members of the Sunshine Committee

Members of the Sunshine Committee are typically volunteers and other staff members. In my school, we needed at least one team member from each grade level or staff team to ensure that the views of that section of our school were conveyed. When recruiting members, I think this is a great place to start as it will ensure a well-rounded group! 

Roles of the Sunshine Committee 

Every school is different of course, but in general, one of the most important jobs of the Sunshine Committee is to plan parties, events, and even condolences for staff members in a time of need. This can cover a very broad range of events. In my school, our Sunshine Committee was in charge of the following:
This image shows a staff Christmas party. Planning parties and meetings are a crucial role of sunshine committees.

  • Seasonal Parties (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.)
  • Monthly Staff Meeting Activities (team building, games, contests, etc.)
  • Hospitalizations, Illness, or Funeral Donations or Gifts (flowers, cards, etc.)
  • Retirement Celebrations 
  • Weddings & Baby Showers

This, of course, isn't an exhaustive list, but rather a way to get you thinking about how a Sunshine Committee could serve in your school. Consider the needs of your school, where things seem to be lacking, or how you could make staff feel more excited to be at work. These are all great questions to ask yourself as you begin navigating how to put a Sunshine Committee in place in your school. 

More Support to Build Your Sunshine Committee

If you need some more ideas and support in setting up a Sunshine Committee then this resource is for you. Inside, I walk you through the specifics, or the nuts and bolts, as I like to call them, of putting together a Sunshine Committee. I share many of the policies from my own school to help you put together a committee at your school! 

How to Stay Organized in Your Sunshine Committee

This image shows an example of a planning resource that sunshine committees can use to plan activities, meetings and parties.
One of my best tips for running a successful Sunshine Committee is to stay organized. Like really organized! When I was head of our committee, I used a year-long planner to make this easier. Inside my planner, there were tons of pages and prompts to help keep me focused on the goals decided upon by the members of the committee and ensure that nothing fell through the cracks! Here are some of the pages I used to stay organized:

  • monthly calendars 
  • monthly informational pages 
  • recognition trackers
  • quote posters
All of these pages are included in my Year Long Staff Morale Planner. This resource is ideal for principals, administrators, and leaders of the Sunshine Committee. Once I started using it, it was SO much easier to stay on task with our goals!  I put all of these pages together in a 3-ring binder to help me stay on track. My favorite of these pages is the monthly information sheets. They include fun celebrations, a monthly challenge, a quote of the month, and other great little tidbits that kept me organized. 

I also included some blank pages for staff meeting ideas, checklists, reminders, wish lists, and anything else that popped into my head! Over time this binder became my command station that was filled with everything I needed for a fun month with staff. When a new year began, I always enjoyed flipping through to grab ideas and reflections to apply to the new year. 

Plan Engaging Activities to Boost Staff Morale

This image highlights a free resource that sunshine committees can use when planning moral boosters throughout the year.
Once you've got your planner all set up, it's time to start filling those pages right?! I have an awesome, FREE resource to help you plan for the whole year without spending hours searching for fun ideas. Simply follow this link to download a free Staff Morale Catalog.

Inside, you'll find ideas and resources for every month of the year and every occasion. No matter what you're looking for, there's likely something inside for you! Make sure to take advantage of this freebie as you begin your journey setting up a Sunshine Committee in your school. Not only will it streamline your planning, it will provide inspiration in those months when you need it most! 

Save This Post

Be sure to pin this post on Pinterest so that you don't lose track of these tips and ideas for setting up a Sunshine Committee in your school! 

Wondering what a sunshine committee is and how your school could benefit from one? Check out this post for all the answers plus some ideas for ways that sunshine committees can boost staff morale throughout the year!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

5 Fall Staff Morale Resources Perfect for November

November always seems to be gone in the blink of an eye! It's a busy month and many schools get a week off for Thanksgiving, so you've got to be super intentional with planning to fit everything in before break. That means your staff and teachers are going to be feeling the pressure. Busy months like these call for fun staff morale resources to keep motivation high. If you're looking for some fun fall ideas to use at your November staff meeting, or during the busy November days, you've come to the right place. Today I'm sharing some fall staff morale resources that are perfect for November!

This image highlights 5 Fall Staff Morale Resources Perfect for November that are sure to make your staff feel appreciated!

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This post includes Affiliate Links to some of my favorite products. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Making Time for Staff Morale Activities in November 

This image shows a group of teachers during a staff meeting
Are you worried about how you're going to "fit in" more activities into an already packed month? I get it! As the leader of the Sunshine Committee in my school for many years, this was a constant stressor during busy months of the year. Back to school, the holiday season, and the end of the year... I'm looking at you! 

But, I want to provide a little perspective shift for you.  Making time for staff morale-boosting activities during these busy months may actually give you and your staff some of your sanity back. What do I mean? So glad you asked!

It's no secret that working in a school is a taxing job. Teachers, administrators, and school staff work hard to make schools a safe, loving, supportive, and fun place to be. Add a short month packed to the brim with extra holiday activities and you've got a recipe for overwhelm! By using some fun fall staff morale resources in your school during this busy time, you'll be infusing some extra motivation and encouragement into those hectic days when staff need it most! 

Never underestimate the power of team-building activities, staff morale boosters, small prizes, and games in your staff meetings. These "little" things actually end up being big things in the long run! They'll reenergize your staff, boost motivation, and help carry them through! Making time for these is an absolute must, if you ask me. 

Fun Fall Staff Morale Resources

Alright, are you convinced that you NEED some fun fall staff morale resources in your plan for November? I hope so! The ideas I'm about to share will make a huge, and meaningful impact in your school. I know they did for us! 

1. Fall Staff Morale Scratch-Offs 

Are you using scratch-offs in your staff meetings yet?! If not, I know you will love this first idea. Scratch-offs are a fun prize to hand out during staff meetings, or anytime you feel like making staff smile. They work like those BINGO scratch-offs you get at the gas station, except when staff scratch them off, a fun school-related prize is revealed. 

Fall staff morale resources like these themed scratch-offs are perfect for November.
The best thing about these though is that they're great for small budgets. Many of the prizes that we used were low-cost, or even no-cost! Here are some examples:

  • jeans day 
  • front row parking
  • copies made
  • lunch/recess duty coverage 
  • class coverage 
  • lunch provided
  • pack of pens or Post-its

Try using these Thanksgiving-Themed Scratch-Offs in November with your staff. Each ticket has a cute fall theme, a prize, and a place to add a scratch-off sticker or cover with scratch-off paint. There are pre-printed ticket options as well as blanks so you can add your own prize ideas. I love this feature because it means they can easily be customized to fit any budget. If your budget is small, choose more of the low-cost or no-cost prices. Bigger budgets might include some more custom prizes like gift cards or office supplies. Need more prize ideas for your scratch-offs? Read this post next!

2. Staff Morale Gratitude Jar 

Celebrate gratitude this November with these staff morale resources, like the gratitude jar shown in this photo.
November is a month focused on thankfulness, so why not make a Staff Morale Gratitude Jar?! Year after year this was one of my favorites. As a bonus, it's super simple to implement too! This resource includes two options, one for making a real jar, and one for creating a gratitude notebook. Both are a lot of fun! 

The idea behind the real jar is that staff will write down notes of appreciation for fellow colleagues. They leave them in the jar throughout the month or a specific number of days. As the jar fills up, the notes can be read aloud at a staff meeting or displayed on a bulletin board in the breakroom. You might even decide to deposit the notes into specific staff mailboxes as well! 

The gratitude notebook is similar to the jar, except staff write their notes down on the pages of a bound book. You can pass the book around for staff to read through, or leave it in a central location. No matter what you choose, it's a fun way to show appreciation and gratitude for staff while also keeping motivation high during the month of November. 

3. Staff Morale Mirror Shout Outs

The positive messages highlighted in this image are the perfect fall staff moral resources to use in November no matter where you stick them!
Looking for a simple way to decorate staff spaces without spending a ton of time or energy? You'll love these Fall Mirror Shout-Outs! 

These fun printable signs are designed to be displayed on a mirror and serve as a quick pick-me-up to your staff. At my school, I used these on the staff bathroom mirror. The messages are short and sweet, with a fun fall flair. They'll add a little seasonal pizazz to your space while also making staff smile. 

I always liked to print these out on fall-colored paper and then cut them out. Then, you can tape them to the mirror or other high-traffic areas in the staff breakroom. Bulletin boards, kitchen cabinets, and  staff mailboxes are great places to leave these fun messages! There are 10 different fall messages included, so you can even switch them out on a weekly basis during the month of November to keep staff guessing and looking forward to new messages. 

4. Fall Windshield Messages 

This image showcases Fall Windshield Messages, an encouraging November staff moral resource that you can stick to the windshield of teachers' cars!
Can you imagine walking out to your car after a challenging, tiring day at work to find a thoughtful note pinned to your windshield? Pretty great, right?! That's exactly the idea behind these Fall Windshield Messages. To use, simply choose the desired messages, print them out, and place them on the windshields of your staff's vehicles! This fall staff morale resource couldn't be easier to use and will truly make staff smile! The fall messages include things like:

  • I be-leaf in you.
  • You are awesome to the core. 
  • Your students are falling in love with learning. 
  • Thanks for planting seeds that will grow forever.

This resource includes 8 different fall messages that print 4 to a page. Each one has a cute fall border to add some festive flair. All messages come in both color and black and white so you can choose what works best for your school. The black and white version looks great on autumn colored pager. I loved pinning these to cars on a Monday when we still had a week to go until break. This is the perfect way to boost motivation and help staff feel appreciated during an extra busy week!

5. Staff Morale Trail Mix Bar 

Use the resources in this image to help you create the perfect trail mix bar for your staff members!
I saved the BEST for last! A Trail Mix Bar is one of my favorite fall staff morale resources to use in November. It's super customizable, easy to organize, and best of all - great for busy times of the year! Since the trail mix add-ins are non-perishable, you'll be able to set this up ahead of time and allow staff to come and go to grab a treat as they are able. No need to coordinate schedules during an already jam-packed month. So, how does this work exactly? Let's get to it!

To set up a trail mix bar for your staff, you'll shop for trail mix ingredients like cereal, pretzels, nuts, mini marshmallows, crackers, chocolate chips, and more. Then, on the day of your trail mix bar, you'll arrange all the goodies in small bowls with serving spoons. I also include baggies or cups for staff to fill as well as labels for each treat item. Then, decorate the space with cute signs and instructions to invite staff to create their own unique sweet and salty treat. 

This is a great activity to host the week before Thanksgiving break and is always appreciated by everyone! It's great for schools with allergies since everyone can choose exactly what they'd like to have. Just be sure to keep nuts (or other allergens) on a separate table if you're worried about cross-contamination. This resource includes everything you need to take the guesswork out of planning a trail mix bar for your staff. Inside you'll find detailed instructions, signs, snack labels, and even a shopping list! There's also an option to host this one potluck style if you'd prefer to have staff sign up for items to share. Either way, it's bound to be a hit!

Oh and if you're interested in hosting more snack bars, be sure to read this post next!

Simplify Staff Morale This November

Loving all of these ideas way too much to choose a favorite?! I've got good news... you don't have to! These Fall Staff Morale Resources can all be found inside the November Bundle. Inside you get all 5 activities in one, convenient package so you can simplify your staff morale planning and make the most of your limited time! 

If you love the idea of monthly staff morale kits, be sure to check out my Annual Staff Morale Bundle too. You'll find a fun-filled package for each month of the year, making it super simple to plan staff morale activities and keep motivation high all year long. 

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Pin this post on Pinterest to keep track of these fall staff morale resources, ideas, and activities for November!

November can be a stressful time for teachers with less days for teaching and holidays approaching! Help your teachers alleviate some of that stress with these 5 staff morale resources that are perfect for November! Like students, teachers love little rewards and celebrations and with ideas like a trail mix bar and scratch-offs, this post is sure to have some ideas that you and your teachers will love! 

Monday, August 5, 2024

How to Boost Staff Morale in October: Ready to Use Resources You Don't Want to Miss

Looking for fun and easy ways to boost staff morale in October? You're in the right place! Today we're diving into 5 frightfully fun October staff morale resources and activities. Teachers, school counselors, nurses, cafeteria staff, and more will all love participating in these unique activities. Come along for some seasonal ideas to boost staff morale in your building all month long!

DISCLOSURE: This post includes affiliate links to some of my favorite products. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases but this does not change the price you pay.
This image says, "How to Boost Staff Morale in October" and includes examples of resources that administrators can use to show teacher appreciation this October!

Making Staff Morale Fun in October

The kids aren't the only ones who get to have fun in October! This month of the year is notorious for fun tricks and treats! When I was head of the Sunshine Committee at my school, I loved playing on the fun Halloween themes in our staff morale activities. Incorporating some seasonal and holiday touches is the perfect way to keep things interesting in your school and boost staff morale with ease! Not to mention, everyone will get a kick out of these fun activities and resources! 

1. October Edition Rock Paper Scissors

As kids, I think we all played our fair share of Rock, Paper, Scissors. It's a simple game that is beloved by all! I used this game to boost staff morale in my school and kept it interesting by using a fun seasonal theme each month. In October, our Rock, Paper, Scissors Game gets a Halloween twist! 
The rock, paper, scissors game shown in this image are the perfect way to build staff morale amongst teachers this October!

This staff morale idea is fairly inexpensive and super simple to prep - which always made it a winner in my book! All you need is one plastic beaded necklace for each staff member and the printable tags included in this resource. I liked to grab fun Halloween necklaces from Amazon, but you can typically find cheap plastic necklaces at the dollar store and party supply stores as well. 

To prepare, you will wrap a Halloween tag around each necklace and hang the reminder signs up the day before your event. On the day of, staff get a letter and a necklace in their mailbox. The letter instructs them to wear the necklace and challenge other staff members to a friendly game of Rock, Paper, Scissors throughout the day. The winner of each game gets to "steal" their co-workers' necklace. Staff members with the most necklaces at the end of the day win the challenge! 

You can decide what types of prizes fit your budget best. And don't forget - no cost prizes are a lot of fun too! Things like jeans day, prime parking spaces, class coverage, and copies made were always a hit in my school! 

2. You've Been Boo'ed

This image highlights "I've been booed", a great activity for boosting staff morale in October.
Have you ever seen homes get "Booed" in your neighborhood around Halloween time? The idea is that neighbors will leave some kind of treat or surprise on their neighbors' doorstep along with a sign. Then, that neighbor pays it forward by doing the same for another. This is exactly the idea behind my October Staff Boos Resource, except for the houses turn into teacher classrooms or staff desks! 

To start this off, I would "Boo" 2 staff members by leaving a fun sign on their classroom door or on their desks along with a special treat. These can be things candy, coffee, some special pens, or really anything you want! Then, those staff members do the same for 2 more colleagues. You can choose a higher number if you'd like - this will make the "Boos" add up quick! 

This is a great activity to use during the week of Halloween in your school, or even all month long. I liked to encourage staff to pick small, but thoughtful things to "Boo" their fellow staff with. It doesn't have to be expensive to be meaningful! 

3. Apple Snack Bar 

Snack bars are one of my all-time favorite ways to boost staff morale! They are super versatile, easy to execute, and just plain fun! In October, I loved to use a fall-themed Apple Snack Bar. This time of year, apples are at their peak. Why not use these crisp, delicious fruits to treat your staff?

Boost Staff Morale in October with an apple snack bar like the one shown in this photo.
To use this idea, you'll need a variety of fresh apples. I liked to visit the local orchard down the street, but the grocery store also has a nice variety at a great price this time of year. Once you choose your apples, you'll want to collect some toppings for your Apple Bar. Some of the things I used include:
  • chopped nuts
  • peanut butter
  • caramel sauce 
  • chocolate sauce 
  • chocolate chips
  • coconut flakes
  • crushed cookies
Really anything sweet and festive will work here - have fun with this part! Then, you'll arrange all of your apples, toppings, and paper goods in the break room. I also decorated with some festive signs to let staff know that a treat was waiting for them in the breakroom. 

Then, as they are able, they can select an apple, use a slicer to prepare it, and then top it with some goodies! Snack bars like this are great for schools that have varied schedules since staff can come and go as they please. 

4. Pumpkin Decorating Contest 

Pumpkin decorating contests can be a great way to boost staff morale in October. This photo shows an example of a pumpkin decorated to look like Cookie Monster.
Over the years, I have found that one of the best ways to boost staff morale in October is with some friendly competition. My favorite way to facilitate this is with a Pumpkin Decorating Contest! Not only will staff love competing for the award of "best pumpkin" but the decorating pumpkins will serve as a perfect Halloween decoration for your office or hallway. 

For this activity, staff will each get to decorate a pumpkin. They will label it with a number and then display it in an area for judging. The judging portion is a group effort as well! Everyone gets to vote for the best pumpkin. Then, the votes are counted and the winners are awarded a prize! 

It's a fun idea to provide art supplies during a meeting and encourage staff to spend a portion of the meeting decorating their pumpkin. This is a great team-building activity that everyone will love! If you're interested in trying this activity, check out this resource to simplify the process. Inside you'll find voting ballots, numbers for your pumpkins, detailed instructions, suggested supplies, and more! 

5. October Scratch Off Tickets 

Teachers will love the October scratch off tickets in this photo that include rewards like a jeans day! Prizes like these really boost staff morale!
Looking for a super simple (and fun) way to boost staff morale in your meetings this month? Give scratch-offs a try! These little tickets will make your staff smile as they "scratch off" the stickers to reveal a prize. Not to mention the cute ghost theme is perfect for the month of October! 

These come pre-filled with prizes like jeans for a day, class coverage, lunch provided, a book of your choice, and more! There are also blank versions that you can fill in yourself. Then, cover them with a scratch-off sticker or paint and pass them out to staff. You can use these as prizes for your other staff morale games and activities, or simply hand out one to each person at your meeting. Either way, these are sure to be a hit! 

Simplify Staff Morale in October

These October Staff Morale ideas are so much fun! Whether you decide to have a Pumpkin Decorating Contest or an Apple Bar, these ideas make boosting staff morale fun and easy for anyone! Can't decide on a favorite? You can find ALL five of these resources inside the October Staff Morale Bundle. 

Grabbing the bundle means you can simplify your staff morale resources and set yourself up for success for the whole month! As a former Sunshine Committee leader myself, I know how valuable it is to be prepared! And if you want to plan the whole year, be sure to check out the Monthly Round-Up Mega Bundle for even more great resources. 

Save This Post 

This post is filled with all of my favorite ideas and activities to boost staff morale in October. Pin it on Pinterest so you can easily come back to it anytime you need a little inspiration! 

Looking for fun ways to boost staff morale in October as an administrator? This post is full of Halloween themed resources you can use to show teacher appreciation for your staff all October long!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

September Staff Morale Resources to Boost Motivation

September is usually a busy month for school employees. While many of us around the country go back to school in August, September is usually just as busy! And. . . if you start school in September it is even busier. Help boost motivation and remind teachers and other school employees that they are valued and appreciated with some fun September staff morale resources! 

DISCLOSURE: This post includes affiliate links to some of my favorite products. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases but this does not change the price you pay.

This post is full of September staff moral resources that will help you to boost morale within your building!

Staying on Top of Staff Morale 

Being an administrator comes with many of its own unique duties and responsibilities. One of which usually includes monitoring staff and ensuring the employee climate stays positive. If you are in charge of this task, you know firsthand it can feel a tad overwhelming. But even though it can feel a bit tricky to juggle at times, staying on top of staff morale is SO worth it. When you work hard to focus on boosting motivation and morale in your school, you can look forward to:
  • better relationships 
  • better work ethic
  • more positive staff meetings 
  • a sense of community among staff 
  • happier students and families and so much more! 
There's no end to the value of taking care of your staff and focusing on team building. This is especially true during busy months like September. So whether you start the school year in August or in September, making staff morale a priority this month will go a long way.  Here are 5 ways you can stay on top of staff morale in September! 

1. Back to School Scratch-Offs 

This image shows some fun September staff resources that can keep teachers motivated at the beginning of the year, specifically printable scratch offs! Each of the back to school scratch-offs include prizes that teachers will enjoy!
Have you tried using scratch-offs in your staff meetings yet? If not, you're in for a major treat! The idea behind this staff morale resource is a bit like those lottery tickets you can get at the gas station. You'll pass out cards that are pre-filled with prizes and covered with scratch-off paint or stickers. Then, staff will get to scratch off their ticket to reveal a fun prize. And don't worry, you don't have to spend tons of money on the prizes for them to be fun! 

My Back to School Scratch-Offs feature prizes like class coverage, copies made for the week, an impromptu jeans day, and prime parking. You can pick and choose the prizes that work best for your group and print them off accordingly. I think it's fun to pass out a single ticket to everyone, but you can also use these as a prize for other games and team-building activities you might be using during your meetings. There are also blank tickets that you can fill out yourself for other types of prizes as well. For more fun prize ideas, be sure to read this post next! 

2. September Staff Morale Photo Scavenger Hunt 

This image highlights an example of my "Staff Meeting Photo Hunts" that you can use as engaging September Staff Morale resources!
Speaking of team-building games for your staff meetings, I've got a really fun one for you to try! This Staff Morale Photo Scavenger Hunt is fun and easy to play at your September meeting and will have everyone eager to participate! To play, you'll choose from a list of 45 different prompts for pictures to search for in phone photo libraries. This resource comes with 3 different categories including Teacher Life, My Work Family, and Work-Life Balance. 

After you select the categories and slides to use, you will display them one at a time on a SmartBoard during your staff meeting. You can also print the cards off to be used like task cards instead of displaying them digitally. Staff will have to search their own personal phone photo library to see if they can find a photo to fit the prompt. If they can, they mark it down on their sheet. If they can't they have to move on to the next prompt. When all the slides are gone through, you'll be able to award prizes to winners who were able to "find" the most photos! This is a fun game to play in teams and really helps your staff get to know each other well. 

3. Breakfast Cart 

This photo features a box of donuts, which is a great treat to include in a breakfast cart. Breakfast carts are great staff moral resources that can be used in September and throughout the year.
Is there anything better than having breakfast prepared or picked up for you? I don't think so, which is why I recommend using a Staff Breakfast Cart in your September staff morale activities! When teachers and other staff members are feeling a bit run-ragged from back-to-school festivities, they will be so happy to see a delicious cart filled with goodies waiting for them! If you don't have a cart, this is a great purchase and you will get a ton of use out of it. Check out this one as it will definitely do the trick! 

At my school, I used the resources in this packet to simplify this process. We used it monthly each year, so I liked to laminate the signs for future use. This resource will last you well beyond September! Inside you'll find sign-up sheets for 9 months. The idea is that every month a different staff team hosts the breakfast cart. This is a great way to show staff appreciation for each other, build a sense of community, and work in some time to socialize with colleagues. 

You may also decide to use Sunshine Committee funds or admin funds to organize it for the first month. This is an especially great idea for September when administrators are looking to show appreciation to staff. Then, every following month, another staff team can host. A monthly breakfast cart will absolutely make staff feel valued and appreciated during the busy month of September and beyond!

4. Sunshine Post-it Notes 

This photo shows an example of positive post-it notes you can use to boost staff moral throughout the school year.
Looking for a simple way to spread a little sunshine during September? Try these post-it
note messages, which are designed to make your staff feel valued and appreciated! This resource includes printing instructions and templates so that you can print off these fun little notes for your staff. Each one has a cute phrase and image. There are 18 total messages to choose from, making this a great option to personalize the messages for specific staff members. 

To use, simply print them off, add a personal note if desired, and leave them in mailboxes, on desks, or car windows. I know your staff will LOVE beginning or ending their day with a personalized note just for them! Each of these notes has a "sunshine" theme, making them perfect to use all year long!

5. Hop to It Scavenger Hunt 

Scavenger hunts are always great September staff morale resources! This image showcases a scavenger hunt for teachers. Teachers will search for small frog toys and get prizes for finding them!
Alright friend, I've got one more fun September staff morale resource to share with you today! In this Hop to It Scavenger Hunt, staff members will scour the school for small, plastic frogs that have been marked with numbers 1-100 and hidden. At the end of the day, you will all meet up and take stock of which frogs have been found. Then, you'll draw numbers from a hat, and the staff member with the frog with the corresponding number wins a prize! 

This is a fun activity, especially if you get creative with how you hide the frogs throughout your school. I liked to place some in obvious areas, and others in no-so-obvious areas. You can find plastic frogs frequently at the dollar store, or on Amazon. If you choose to incorporate this activity, you'll also want to consider what prizes to include. These can be low-cost items like packs of pens, candies, gum, or scratch-offs, as well as larger items like gift cards. The best part about this game is that it's easily adjustable to your school, and your staff morale budget! 

September Staff Morale BUNDLE

Looking for a way to take some of the stress off your plate when it comes to planning staff morale activities for September and beyond? If so, I know you'll love my resource bundle options! You can find all of the September Staff Morale Resources mentioned here in the September bundle. You get all 5 activities, so you don't have to worry about planning and can instead just print and go! This bundle will make it super simple to ensure you have some fun staff morale activities ready to go in September. 

And if you'd prefer to be prepared for the whole year, I've got good news! I've bundled together 60 different resources perfect for motivating your staff all year long! Each month includes 5 different resources that align with the month, season, and holidays. This huge bundle will remove all of the stress from planning staff motivational activities and put the fun back into showing your staff how much you care! Check out the Full Year Staff Morale Bundle to get ahead on your planning so you can sit back and enjoy these activities with your staff each month. 

Pin It! 

This post is filled with my favorite fun and easy ways to boost staff morale and motivation in September. Save it on Pinterest so you don't lose track of these great ideas! 

Don't let staff morale get put on the back burner just because the beginning of the school year is busy. This blog post details 5 easy to use staff morale boosters. These activities are easy to use even during a busy month like September. Perfect for school principals, Sunshine Committee members or the Parent Teacher Organization.